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Fattera Izzaty 



Hazirah Azezs



Greetings! I am taking care of all finance matters in our organisation. All money flow from customers to us, us to make deliveries and all sorts of arrangement, I keep our finance track as close as possible so that we are able to operate our business and service smoothly without any finance problems!

I am the communicator for our organisation! So, a BIG HELLO TO ALL! I communicate all matters from the organisation to our customers and our customers demands to our organisation to ensure our products and service are up to customer's wants and needs. Hence, I communicate every single details so that we are able to satisfy our customers in every way!

Hello. I am the marketer for our organisation. I promote our products and services via the Internet hoping to catch customer's attention when they desire to find something unique to be sent to their loved ones as a surprise gift! I am excited to see our customers asking questions about how our service works!

Hi! I'm in charge of delivery of our stocks and items to our beloved customers! I ensure all items will reach to our customer's loved on as requested. Together with a surprise card and unique packaging of our products awaits for every delivery!

Hello! We are students of Universiti Teknikal Melaka Malaysia from class 2BTMI of 2012/2013 batch. This website is specially created for our Management Information System class. We sell mainly accessories such as bracelet, necklace, keychain and rings. We also specialize on delivery service, sending gifts from our customers to their loved ones from their hearts!


Below is our organisation chart.

Nisa Basri



Siti Aishah



About Us

Annyeong, which is Hello in Korean. I am the core of everything as I take care of all the operations from how our customers makes orders to how we deliver our products to our customer's beloved ones. I also manage all department to ensure that everyone could work in the best environment for high efficiency and productivity so that we together can achieve more!

Leowanie Leow



Hi! I am the coordinator for our organisation. I coordinate all sales and finance matters to ensure that it matches to our log book and update our business and service matters daily to ensure we have a smooth flow of our process of work. I also communicate with everyone to understand any problems that they face and try to help them. Hence, I coordinate and manage our team!

Dayah Ismail




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